Sustainable Hotel - Hotel Bell Repòs

Sustainable Hotel - Our 10 sustainable resolutions for 2022

Sustainable energies are becoming a priority when facing our present but, above all, our future. Although it is still a pending subject for many businesses and homes, from our Hotel Bell Repòs, located in the heart of the Costa Brava, we have decided to do our bit to stem the tide of climate change and help the environment while giving the best experience to our customers.

After the company has classified us as a Hotel specialist in sustainable and ecofriendly travel, we believe it is the best time to explain how we base this work model and its positive repercussions on both nature and the experience of those who come to visit us.

platja gran platja daro

For this 2022, sustainable measures have become a way of life rather than a simple incorporation of measures, therefore, we present you our ten sustainable resolutions for this new year, which will hopefully bring some normality back to our lives after pandemics and social distancing.

In no particular order, our sustainable purposes as an ecofriendly hotel are the following:

Purpose #1: Installation of photovoltaic panels to make better use of solar energy.

We will impulse the project so that most of our energy comes from the same star that allows us to live on this planet. Photovoltaic panels are a method of sustainability that is becoming more and more common nowadays, because only excuses stand in the way of one of the greatest evidences of the 21st century: we can live off solar energy perfectly well. Although at night, this fuel source ceases its activity, if we have done our work well, all the hours of light will have been correctly deposited in our generators so that we do not lack anything. Moreover, in summer is when we should accumulate more resources to be able to live a pleasant winter, following the philosophy of the story of the ant and the cicada.

Plaques fotovoltaiques

Purpose #2: Properly recycle all the hotel's garbage with the objective of not polluting.

It seems obvious, and while it is true that recycling has been forged in all of us since the beginning of the century, there are still many people, both individuals and businesses, who ignore this priority and turn it into an occasional pastime. At Bell Repòs we opt for the first option, and that is the fact that all the waste we produce is 100% recycled with no excuses and with the maximum efficiency of all our workers. Sustainability is not based on selling smoke, but in taking the necessary measures so that, when you go out to the beach that embraces our hotel, you will find a natural place totally cared for and without any garbage. To achieve this, we must always start with the smallest details.

Purpose #3: Ecolabel cleaning products in both kitchen and restaurant.

Founded in 1992, the cleaning products company Ecolabel starts from a very simple principle: to produce its products emitting the minimum of CO2, to be durable and easy to repair. Once you have to dispense with their services, it is a priority that they are 100% recyclable and with the maximum facilities to follow a process of artificial biodegradation.

Based on this magnificent sustainable philosophy, in our ecofriendly hotel Bell Repòs, we squeeze the services of this brand to the maximum both in our kitchen and restaurant, two places where hygiene is the absolute priority for obvious reasons. Our professionals, hard-working people who strive at all levels to produce a quality product with Mediterranean flavor, are responsible for the fulfillment of this mission thanks to their empathy with those who come to eat and enjoy a good evening at home.

Productes ecolabel en el restaurant i la cuina

Purpose #4: Ecological paint on our walls and 0 toxicity.

We could not maintain an environmental message without taking into account the sustainability of our walls. Traditional paints raise their toxicity to very dangerous levels, both because of how they are made and the execution of their components. An ecological and sustainable paint uses water as a base and not a solvent, which causes very low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and, as if it were a simile of food, its additives are added in a natural way and ensuring that they do not have the ability to harm the environment on any scale. Therefore, all the walls of our hotel - rooms, kitchen, etc. - are varnished with these products, ensuring that our guests will not breathe anything that can damage their lungs.

Pintures sense toxics

Purpose #5: Eliminate restaurant food waste.

Everything must be put to good use. Everything. Many are the restaurants and supermarkets that throw products in the trash simply by an intuition of the expiration date or, what is worse, a week or two before the product spoils. At Bell Repòs we use 100% of our food and products, throwing away only those that, for obvious reasons, are not fit to be used or served on a table.

For all this, from our ecofriendly mentality, we strictly collaborate with the company Too good to go, which is dedicated to rescue all discarded food from supermarkets, restaurants or hotels and relocates them to places with high need. From Bon Repòs we provide daily a little bag with all the leftovers from our freshly baked breakfast buffets and deliver them to our colleagues of Too good to go, raising to the maximum the desire to eliminate food waste.

Too Goo to go l'app per evitar el malbaratament alimentari

Purpose #6: Eliminate the sale of beverages in any plastic container.

Yes, it may seem difficult, but we would not be a sustainable and ecofriendly hotel if we supported a sea of plastic to sell our merchandise. At Bell Repòs, all drinks distributed by our staff are in glass containers, which also enhances the quality of the product itself.

The overdose of plastic on our planet is an obvious and dangerous problem facing us and our future generations. It has reached a point where the red line has been crossed, putting the environment in clear danger. From our hotel we try to contribute as much as possible not to contribute to flood our world with a material that takes thousands of years to become a waste that can be used by nature.

Ampolles de vidre reciclables

Purpose #7: To have, at least, 1 charging point for electric vehicles; motorized or not.

As Ewan Mcgregor and Charley Boorman explained in Long Way Up (2020), the electric vehicle is the future for the sustainability of the human race. There will be more and more electric motors and less and less oil, which will gradually allow us to recover our atmosphere and ozone layer and bring the planet's average temperature back into balance. Although it will not be an easy or fast way, from Bell Repòs we provide the most complete service to our customers who have a means of transport of these characteristics because, although at the beginning we will try to have at least 1 electric charging point, in the coming years we will increase the capacity of this service to do justice to what lies ahead.

Punt de recarrega per a vehicles electrics

Purpose #8: Food and products from Kilometer 0.

This concept, unknown to many, is a food philosophy that should become a priority and not a one-time pleasure. Zero kilometer food and product is the definition par excellence of gastronomic ecology. It is that pure product; something that humans have cultivated throughout the year so that, after flowering, it gives us that fruit, vegetable or tuber that brightens our lives and provides us with what our stomachs do not remember: real nutrients.

Even if, when you hear this concept, dollar signs appear in your eyes, don't be fooled. It's not that the zero-mile product is more expensive per se, but because so few people use it, its production price swells. However, if we agree at once, prices will fall at the same rate as collective health will rise, giving us better conditions and life expectancy.

Productes Km0

Purpose #9: Establish partnerships with local producers.

Starting from purpose number 8, this would be impossible if we do not comply with the simple notion of establishing contact with local producers to achieve sustainability and really reach kilometer 0. The local product is the absolute basis of an ecofriendly hotel because, if you comply with all of the above and then buy food and other chores from supermarket chain X, you become an insulting contradiction.

At Bell Repòs we always opt for the former, prioritizing small businesses and humble workers who produce for all of us, not receiving half of what they deserve after working from sunrise to sunset creating nutrients that we won't find anywhere else.

In addition to all this, by collaborating with too good to go to save any food not served at our buffets, we re-invest the money saved in the local naturalist organization Sterna, which uses our donations to carry out work to preserve the nature that surrounds us.

Purpose #10: We promote the use of low-consumption lighting (LED) and water conservation systems.

Sustainability does not mean that we have to light our lives with candles and emulating the Middle Ages. No. Electricity itself is a totally sustainable energy, the problem is the methodology to produce it. In Bell Repòs we start with low consumption, with LED bulbs, so as not to produce more energy than we need and not to exceed the acceptable limits, because we don't need more.

As far as water is concerned, we have installed a system of automated faucets and toilets that will allow us to reduce water waste by up to 50% so as not to waste one of the most important goods in this world. At the same time, we are also working to communicate to our customers that they are doing their part and, in doing so, we are reducing the number of towel changes, thereby reducing the laundering process.

il·luminació de baix consum (LED)

We hope that these 10 sustainable resolutions for 2022 have become clear and that you are encouraged to visit us to experience each one of them.

From Hotel Bell Repòs we wish you a happy new year and hope to see you as soon as possible checking in at our reception.

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